just becuz it rock doesnt meant its yours

26 Mac 2009

:) boys always talk about girls.cant leave it.never will

yesterday,i went out with anip,khairul and asif at hua ho serusop..you know just to have some fun and talk about what you do or even girls..hahaha(c kz yg abis kana bully).anyway we decided to jam at the 4studio to kill some time..i ussually play the drum but since c anip selalu cakap *jangan bising ji*,i decided just to chill out and relax myself on the sofa while listening at their not knowing musics..oh well at least i paid a dollar 4 having my butt ache and having my ears ringing sometime later..hahaha..no lah,im just there to be with my old friend(kz)..we then eat at a restaurant(forget whats its name),talk again...blah blah blah..and yeah be4 i forget c asif puji my econ result,asking me about how i get it..haha.eish,kambangku tarus,you know la how i lose control when people puji aku..anyway its Allahs cause that makes me get that kind of result..Down to earth konon hahaha...and yeah as always i took some pictures but this time sikit saja ah and nada yg lawa..hmmmph,maybe becuz i wasnt in it..hahaha..kiding~

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