just becuz it rock doesnt meant its yours

31 Mac 2009

Best-Day-In-PTEB ever!

hehehehe...sorry i cant stop smiling cuz today,somehow,i feel very happy..maybe because its KENDO!!!!!kendo remind me of karate lesson which i practice when i was a kid till i became a once fat boy..anyway i learn japanese language,which i still cant remember..hehehe.and guess what!the instuctor what we call SENSEI is my neighbour...whom i used to hang out with(eg men bicycle and jog sama2)...so eventually he recognised me.i put a big smile on my face when he tell everyone that im his neighbour..not proud but kambang lah kali sikit...haH!i just remember,we go way back in the morning where im in my b.studies class.suprisingly teacher eisah got very angry at one of the girl in my class...cant say why cuz if i do,panjang cetanya...anyhow,her voice was screeching like she was going to cry..know what i did?i just face my table and smilling + laughing..crazy huh?hehehehe...bah im out eh...got tons of assignment to do.and yeah luckily my accounting class is with Hafis,so no worries.wer like pals.....yeah right dulu bekelahi ganya....hahahahaha

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